Aprender inglés Valencia  20 jun 2018

Grupo de Intercambio de Idiomas

In the heart of the student district, Benimaclet, we meet in a modern (6 months old), cool, spacious bar. In fact we even have our own private room There is also a large outdoor seating area for these warm summer nights. Between 8pm and 10pm, my intention is to make a productive language exchange whereby we speak 20 minutes in English and 20 minutes in Spanish, and are able to improve your language skills whilst meeting new, hopefully interesting, people at the same time. At 10pm the vibe will become more of a casual free for all kicked off with a free shot of vodka, and then you can pass the time as you like, with whoever you like, in an environment where everybody. is open to getting to know eachother. in. Every Wednesday from 8pm La Mosqueta, Carrer Sant del Esperit, Benimaclet, 46020, Valencia See you there

📄 6
📊 414

Francisco Blanco hello, estoy interesado en practicar ingles me gustaria si me pueden agregar algun grupo este es mi numero 642464835
Jesús Hola, yo soy muy principiante y no se si me serviria
Vicente Aledon Buenas tardes. Me interesa participar en vustro grupo, si hay espacio para alguien más, claro. Me llamo Vicente, soy de aquí y tengo un nivel C1 de Inglés.
Lakokette Thanks for posting it!See u,guys!